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The Conversation of Venusta

“Such a special book in that it never preaches yet it’s like a sacred scripture. I want to read it again and again.” — Uzma Khan, Chief Executive Officer at INJAZ Pakistan

“It’s a book that has made such a great impression, a book I’ll buy and read, and read again and carry around till it’s all dogeared from use. A book I’ll reference often, and quote, and make art with its words, frame them and keep where I can see them everyday. Because it is food for the soul, it is a fortification, an armor, it’s a soothing balm, it’s the wind under the wings of angels. It’s something wonderful.” — Yahaya Aluke, Lead Web Developer, Team Leader and Activist (Nigeria) 

“You are an angel. Know that. Your words remind me of my standards, of my calling, of energetically being a man, of my universal belief system, and my purpose on this planet. I stand by these statements too. This is quite possibly the most heartfelt, real, touching book I have ever read.” — David Romero, CEO and President of The Yogi DR™ 

“This work is truly needed in this world right now. These words are light and breath combined.” — Laurie Jackson, Mental Health Therapist, Mental Health Disaster Consultant

“Pages after pages of knowing thyself, even parts you never knew that exists or has a name. It felt like giving a face to someone I always knew but never met before.” — Ruh Ullah Barna, Student (Bangladesh)

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